Score: 0

Level: 1

Sound: On

Lives: N/A

Game Over

You Won!

Choose Difficulty:


- Press Left Arrow button to move left or Right Arrow button to move right.
- To shoot at enemies, press Space. To shoot projectiles in a stream, press and hold Space button.
- There are 12 levels in the game, each spawning new type of enemy ships that shoot at the player. Higher levels also bring faster and more numerous asteroids that can destroy the player. Planets however are not dangerous to the player.
- Every 1 minute, the game proceeds to a new level.
- At levels 6 and 12 bosses will spawn. When second and final boss is defeated, player wins the game.
- If player loses all remaining lives before finishing the game, the game is over.
- At the start of each game, player chooses difficulty to play at. At Easy difficulty, player will have 6 lives, at Medium 4 lives, and at Hard only 2 lives.
- To choose spaceship design, background color, or switch sounds on/off, select Options from the Menu interface.

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